Daily Archives: July 15, 2018

Our new Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) program is an important component of our already mature and successful STEM mentoring program.  Our STEAM mentorship program is committed towards providing guidance to college undergraduate students through participation in workshops, community service, and one-on-one mentorship.

The goal of the program is to foster educational and professional success by preparing and inspire young women and men in underserved communities to pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) discipline and environments.  These skills are needed for the jobs of tomorrow and through our STEAM initiative, we are expanding our CMP program even further and providing the essential components to prepare our students for the future.

Morris O’Kelly, guest Speaker at the CMP Luncheon

The CMP Mentorship program was honored to have as their guest speaker Mr. Morris O'Kelly.  "Morris O’Kelly, better known as “Mo’Kelly” is a radio and television commentator.  His show, “The Mo’Kelly Show” is heard weekends on KFI AM640, the #1 news/talk station in America.

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